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message 151: by Merlin, I warned you bout the stairs (new)

 Merlin (dogdworianhotmailcom) | 3164 comments Mod

message 152: by Hill, just.....whatever (new)

Hill (kimhill6) | 1850 comments Mod

message 153: by Merlin, I warned you bout the stairs (new)

 Merlin (dogdworianhotmailcom) | 3164 comments Mod

message 154: by Hill, just.....whatever (new)

Hill (kimhill6) | 1850 comments Mod

message 155: by Merlin, I warned you bout the stairs (new)

 Merlin (dogdworianhotmailcom) | 3164 comments Mod

Captain Cheesecake (cheesecakeisawesome) | 596 comments Mod
FoxDragon wrote: "Name: Charles Xavier

What is this character from (movie/book/comic/tv show): X Men




Personality: Charles is extremely smart. He always wants to do what is best..."

here ya are :)

Name: Raven, or Mystique

What is this character from (movie/book/comic/tv show): X-men


Gender: female

Appearance: Regular form:
Human form:

Personality: Raven is very bossy. She is also, as her nickname implies, mysterious. She is very sneaky and manipulative. She used to be self conscious about her blue form until Magneto talked to her about it.

History: Raven doesn't have a family that anyone knows about. She used to steal things until Charles took her in and was her only friend. She got mad at us humans and turned to the bad side with Magneto. She eventually losses her powers, though.

Special abilities:
-can change shape into anyone in the world
-can change her voice to anyone in the world.

Other: nothing

message 157: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 158: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (last edited Jun 10, 2014 09:47PM) (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod
Name:Cinder Harte

What is this character from (movie/book/comic/tv show): warriors reincarnate

Age: 24

Gender: female


Personality: Kind and sweet yet also strong and determined.

History: Cinder is dating Leo. She wanted to be a fighter but when she was young she hurt her leg training so she walks with a very slight limp. She went into medicine and after lots of training she is now the main medic at the training camp.

Special abilities: very accomplished in medicine, a decent fighter.

message 159: by Hill, just.....whatever (new)

Hill (kimhill6) | 1850 comments Mod

message 160: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 161: by Hill, just.....whatever (new)

Hill (kimhill6) | 1850 comments Mod

message 162: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 163: by Hill, just.....whatever (new)

Hill (kimhill6) | 1850 comments Mod

message 164: by Merlin, I warned you bout the stairs (new)

 Merlin (dogdworianhotmailcom) | 3164 comments Mod

message 165: by Merlin, I warned you bout the stairs (new)

 Merlin (dogdworianhotmailcom) | 3164 comments Mod

message 166: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod
I was usually thunder or shadow.

And in my own I was fireclan. There was fire, fox, lightning, snow, and rain clans.

message 167: by Arwen (new)

Arwen Has
Stiles (Teen Wolf)
Amy (Dr Who)
Garth (Supernatural)
Molly (Sherlock)

been taken?

message 168: by Merlin, I warned you bout the stairs (new)

 Merlin (dogdworianhotmailcom) | 3164 comments Mod

message 169: by Merlin, I warned you bout the stairs (new)

 Merlin (dogdworianhotmailcom) | 3164 comments Mod

message 170: by Arwen (new)

Arwen Ah ok

message 171: by Arwen (new)

Arwen Name: Stiles Stilinski

What is this character from (movie/book/comic/tv show): Teen Wolf

Age: 17

Gender: M


Personality: Stiles is sarcastic, funny and outspoken. He is extremely clever and has led the way in working through many of the mysteries of the show.

History: Stiles is a student at Beacon Hills High School and the son of Beacon County's Sheriff Stilinski.

His mother, Claudia Stilinski, died 6 years ago. He was present when she passed and has never gotten over her death. For some unknown reason, Stiles blames himself.

He was a geeky but otherwise normal kid before a werewolf bit his best friend and threw his world into constant chaos.

Stiles is sarcastic, funny and outspoken. He is extremely clever and has led the way in working through many of the mysteries of the show.

He is a bit frustrated that the werewolf bite has cast him as Robin to Scott's Batman but he is a solid friend and loyal to a fault.

For the longest time he held an intense but unrequited love for fellow classmate Lydia Martin. Their relationship has grown into a strong friendship.

While they have a typically combative parent/teenager relationship, Stiles loves his father very much and often worries about his safety.

Stiles relationship with Derek Hale is awkward and adversarial. Scenes featuring the two characters offer some of the show's funniest moments.

Special abilities: none.

Other: After something bites his best friend Scott, Stiles researches and figures out that a werewolf is to blame. He then researches werewolves to give Scott an idea of what's to come. (read more…)

His friendship is tested when Scott wolfs out in the locker room and tries to kill him. Stiles defends himself with fire extinguisher and urges Scott not to play lacrosse. He explains that the frustration and violence of the game can trigger a transformation. Later the pair digs up a body outside the Hale House. (read more…)

After Derek is shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet, Stiles is forced to protect him and comes close to sawing Derek's arm off. (read more…)

Stiles investigates another murder and finds video of The Alpha Werewolf on Lydia's phone. He can't find Scott who has cut school for an all-day walk in the woods with Allison. Stiles decides to erase the video. In one of the show's funniest moments, Stiles asks Danny if he finds him attractive. (read more…)

Stiles figures out that Scott's heart rate triggers transformations. He sets up test which consists of him flinging balls at Scott's face and proves his theory. He then sparks a violent confrontation with a group of older students to test Scott's belief that thoughts of Allison can help him stay in control. (read more…)

Stiles helps Scott call to The Alpha Werewolf who shows up, attacks Derek and then traps Stiles and his friends in the high school. Stiles calls his father who eventually comes to get the kids out. (read more…)

Scott betrays Stiles by making out with Lydia. Stiles tries to lock Scott up during the full moon but his friend escapes. The hunters suspect Stiles might be a werewolf.(read more…)

Stiles and Scott help Derek who is on the run from the police and the hunters. He hides Derek in his room. He later enlists Danny to help track down a suspect email which leads him to the identity of the Alpha Werewolf. (read more…)

Stiles gets his dad drunk and plies him for information about the Sheriff's investigation into the animal attacks. He also reveals how much he misses Stiles' mother. Stiles later helps Scott interrupt Mrs. McCall's date with Peter Hale. (read more…)

Allison forces Lydia to attend a school dance with Stiles as punishment for Lydia's indiscretion with Scott. Later Stiles confesses his love for Lydia and they share a dance. After Lydia is bitten by Peter Hale, Stiles begs him not to kill her. They strike a deal and Peter spares his life. (read more…)

Stiles helps Peter track down Derek via Scott's cellphone GPS. Peter offers to turn him into a werewolf but Stiles refuses. He and Jackson team up to find Scott but are stopped by the hunters who rough them up and question them. Arriving at the Hale House in the middle of Scott's fight with the Alpha, Stiles throws a chemical mixture at the beast which Allison ignites with an arrow. (read more…)

Season 2
Stiles leads Scott and Allison in the search for Lydia after she goes missing from the hospital. Stiles gets detention for talking in Mr. Harris' class. The teacher says he plans to be extra hard on Stiles because of the way the sheriff treated him during the events of last season. (read more...)

Stiles throws a wad of paper at Mr. Harris' head as an excuse to get himself and Scott sent to the principal. He ends up in detention again. Stiles, Scott and Derek try to rescue Isaac from jail after his arrest. (read more...)

Stiles sets up a double date with Lydia, Scott and Allison at the skating rink. Stiles has no game and fumbles while trying to talk to Lydia. They're interrupted when Lydia suffers a hallucination of Peter Hale under the ice. Stiles comforts her. He is later assaulted and thrown in a dumpster by Erica. (read more...)

Stiles runs back and forth delivering messages between Scott and Allison who are pretending to be broken up. He tries to find the Argent's bestiary in Gerard's office but gets shanghaied by Erica and Derek. He then gets trapped in the pool keeping a paralyzed Derek afloat while fending off the kanima. (read more...)

Stiles is intent on keeping Lydia safe after Derek comes to believe she is the kanima. He comes close to shooting Scott in the head with a crossbow and ends up fighting Issac in Scott's house. (read more...)

When Jackson is discovered to be the kanima he takes one of the police department's armored vehicles to contain Jackson. (read more...)

He goes to Lydia and later Erica to find out who and happened to Jackson's parents. After he helps stop Scott and Jackson's brawl he is given detention along with them, Matt, Erica, and Allison. When Jackson transforms into the kanima and attacks Erica, he goes along with Scott to Derek's hideaway to heal her. (read more...)

When the group decides to set a trap for the kanima and the master he sets up a circle of mountain ash around the warehouse. Later he interrogates the master through Jackson. (read more...)

Stiles learns from his father that Mr. Harris was brought in for questioning in the murder investigation. Stiles isn't convinced. His dad then notices a picture of the swim team and sees all the victims were members and Isaac's dad was the coach. Stiles calls his drag queen friends from Jungle to come to Lydia's birthday party. He then hallucinates and sees his father yelling at him in a drunken rage. (read more...)

Stiles tries to convince his dad that Matt is the killer and that they need to look at the evidence at the police station. When they are at the police station Matt appears and holds everyone at gunpoint. After Derek arrives paralyzed Stiles for his sarcasm is paralyzed by Jackson and falls on Derek. Stiles stays paralyzed the remainder of the episode only being able to drag himself around. (read more...)

Stiles explains to Ms. Morrell that he's not sleeping, is jumpy and suffers from a constant overwhelming fear that something terrible is about to happen. He confesses to Scott that he feels helpless after having to watch, paralyzed, while Matt cracked his dad's head open. He says that he and Scott are losing their fight. For the first time Stiles gets to play lacrosse. He scores three goals leading the BHHS Cyclones to a Championship. He then disappears without a trace. (read more...)

It's revealed that the Hunters kidnapped Stiles and is temporally imprisoned with Boyd and Erica. After doubting that Gerard could beat him to a pulp, Gerard does so. He comes home with his dad embracing him and later giving him a heart to heart talk. His father tells him when all seemed lost he was the "hero" and helped save day, although he meant the lacrosse. Stiles feels he's no hero, but he and Lydia go to the warehouse to help save Jackson. (read more...)

Season 3
Stiles is with Scott at the Tattoo Parlor, then witnesses his friend's ink vanish into his rapidly healing skin. Later, Stiles sees examples of the bizarre animal behavior in Beacon Hills when a deer smashes into Lydia's car and a flock of crows smash through the windows of his English classroom. (read more...)

Stiles takes Scott to a birthday party for his Childhood friend Heather. She wants to have sex and takes him down to wine cellar where they can be alone. Lacking a condom, Stiles runs upstairs to find one. When he returns Heather is gone. Stiles figures a way into The Alpha Pack's bank based on previous robbery there. He and Peter figure out that Derek and Scott are heading into a trap. (read more...)

Lydia calls Stiles to a murder scene at the public pool. Later he and Lydia realize that her fugue state before finding the body is similar to what happened when Peter Hale was in her head. Melissa McCall brings Stiles to the hospital to examine the wounds on the latest homicide victim. She shows him Heather's body as well which brings him to tears and makes him realize that the killer is targeting virgins. (read more...)

After another body is discovered Stiles tries to defend the accusations against the Alpha Pack saying that there is no "werewolfitude" in them. He also discovers that the killer is not just going after virgins but other as well. (read more...)

He accompanies Scott on the Cross Country meet to talk about the recent events surrounding the Alpha Pack, the new killer, and Derek supposed death. He helps Allison and Lydia to have Scott heal himself by making a student throw up in order to stop the bus. (read more...)

He and Scott share a room at the Glen Capri motel. He helps Allison and Lydia in stopping Boyd, Isaac, Ethan and Scott from killing themselves after they'd been poisoned with hallucination-causing wolfsbane. (read more...)

Stiles helps Scott in his search for Dr. Deaton attempting to tap whatever power Lydia might have to seek physic answers. He discovers Danny's research proposal for a paper on natural electromagnetic currents running under Beacon Hills. Later he attempts to help Derek in his fight with the Alpha Pack. (read more...)

Stiles is seeking Derek and goes to Cora and Peter for help. Stiles ends up listening to a long story about how Derek's eyes went from yellow to blue. (read more...)

After a deputy is killed by the Darach, he is forced to tell his father about the supernatural. He is not believed and an argument ensues. Later he watches helplessly as the Darach attacks and kidnaps his father. (read more...)

While trapped in the hospital with the Darach and the Alpha Pack, Stiles brings Cora back to life with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He later realizes that the Darach's "Guardian" targets are parents and begs Scott not to join Deucalion. (read more...)

Stiles joins Lydia to search for clues that might lead him to his father. They discover that Lydia had been drawing the Nemeton but can't find anyone who remembers where it is located. Stiles agrees to die as a "surrogate sacrifice" for his dad. (read more...)

Stiles crashes his jeep while trying to find the Nemeton. He arrives just in time to save his father and the other kidnapped parents. (read more...)

Stiles is feeling the consequences of his "surrogate sacrifice", which result in nightmares, constant angst and the inability to discern dreams from reality. (read more...)

Stiles is still struggling with nightmares, panic at

message 172: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 173: by Arwen (new)

Arwen Name: Garth

What is this character from (movie/book/comic/tv show): Supernatural

Age: 32 (?)

Gender: M


Personality: Garth is a laid back hunter who generally works alone, although he has teamed up with the Winchesters on three seperate occasions and once with Bobby, on a Rugaru hunt. Garth drives a Ford Ranchero with shovels in the back, in case he needs to dig up a grave on a hunt. Once he puts a spirit to rest, he says that the spirit has been "Garthed." When he drives, he sometimes plays the song Poison by Bel Biv Devo.

Garth is generally cheerful and optimistic, even in bleak times, although if pushed to his limit he will get angry or hurt. Garth is also very friendly, and seems to know a lot of hunters. Garth is also somewhat unorthodox for a hunter, doing things hunters don't usually do, such as carrying around a sock puppet (which he calls Mr Fizzles) to help him when talking to traumatically scared children. Despite appearing laid back and even childish at times, Garth is shown to be quite intelligent, knowledgable, and very brave. He doesn't hold grudges and simply lets that sort of thing go, stating, "You can't change the past."

After stepping up to fill Bobby's role, Garth becomes more serious and confident, as well as more capable at his job. He also adopts several of Bobby's mannerisms. He's described by Dean as someone who "grows on you."

Garth likes sweet things and comics, gets drunk easily, and appreciates a hot bath after a hard day's hunting. He likes giving hugs. Some time after Sam and Dean first meet him, Garth began a relationship with a "special lady" who knows about his hunting and also has twins.

History: Bobby sends Garth to Pike Creek, Delaware to help Dean work on a case, as Sam is under a spell by Becky Rosen. Dean shows him a newspaper article about people who have had good things happen to them recently and are now mysteriously dying in freak accidents. Posing as press, they head to an insurance company where a man was just promoted from junior salesman to CEO, thinking he might be the next victim in their case. When Dean and Garth arrive at the insurance company, Sam and Becky are already leaving. Sam tells Dean that the new CEO, Craig, is clean but Dean and Garth still question him.

Dean and Garth become sure that the man's wife is the one behind his sudden success, so they confront her, but she refuses to admit to anything, that is, until they save her from being killed by a falling chandelier. Afterwards, she admits to making a deal with a demon. Garth tells her that she needs to get out of town for a few days while he and Dean figure things out. They break into Becky's apartment, and Garth sees Becky's last tweet on her laptop: 'Going on romantic trip with hubster!!!'. Later, after Sam convinces Becky to help them trap Guy, the crossroads demon behind all of the recent deaths, Garth uses blueberry vodka to draw a devil's trap which Becky then lights on fire to trap the demon. He and the other hunters then get attacked by Guy's accomplice, a demon named Jackson, but Becky manages to kill him with Ruby's knife. Crowley appears and takes Guy away to punish him for breaking deals. Back at Becky's apartment, Sam and Becky sign the annulment papers necessary to dissolve their marriage while Dean and Garth watch. Dean tells Garth that he "doesn't suck," and Garth gives him an uncomfortable hug before leaving in his car.

The ghost of Jenny Greentree is originally suspected to be behind the death of Trevor McAnn in Junction City, Kansas and Garth salts and burns her corpse. However, when the boy's brother Ray dies, Garth calls Dean and Sam for help in finding the real culprit. They learn it is a spirit known as a "Shojo." Garth, with help from Mr Fizzles, eventually figures out who the shojos next vixtim is and tries to save him. Dean, with some help from Bobby's ghost, kills the shojo. As they part ways again, Garth hugs Dean for the 2nd time and even gives Sam a hug too, before driving off, but not before he remarks that he likes their car, an AMC Pacer.

Season 8Edit
Garth appears in Southern Comfort working on a case, and he reveals that he has taken over Bobby's role in the last year.

After hearing about Mary Lew crushing her husband's head with his own car, Garth heads to Kearny, Missouri where he poses as, of all things, a Texas Ranger—he claims that wearing a suit makes him look like a funeral director.

Garth has taken Bobby's place among the hunting community as Sam and Dean disappeared for a year and someone needed to. Garth has taken to carrying multiple cell phones to presumably act as cover for other hunters like Bobby did, gives out information that hunters need, wears one of Bobby's hats and uses some of his old catchphrases though not correctly usually. Garth is excited to see Sam and Dean and hugs them, though Dean is not amused that he is "the new Bobby" and the way that he acts like him.

Together they investigate the case, discovering that Kate wrote the name Allcot on the wall in blood and that there is green goo. That night at a bar, Garth asks Dean where he was and Dean tells him Purgatory but brushes off questions of how he got out. Investigating the name, they discover it is an old girlfriend of the dead husband, but before they can go interrogate her, her son Scott killed someone and wrote the name Sussex on the wall in his blood leaving behind green goo as well. Dean and Garth interrogate the ex-girlfriend, deciding that she wasn't having an affair with the husband and that the wife is apparently holding a grudge for her husband hooking up with his ex on prom night. While Sam investigates, Garth and Dean go through Bobby's Journal for information on what they might be dealing with with Garth pointing out the noticeable tension between Sam and Dean and explaining why he has taken over Bobby's role, saying that Bobby belonged to everyone, not just Sam and Dean and is visibly upset while taking about Bobby.

Garth finds in Bobby's Journal that a ghost that leaves behind green goo is a Specter and that it is apparently woken up when its grave is disturbed. Garth finds out that the grave of the Confederate version of The Unknown Soldier has been disturbed, though apparently nothing was taken and that night, he, Sam and Dean go to salt and burn the soldier's bones, figuring that that should put the ghost to rest as it does with all other ghosts. Garth suggests they say something before burning the bones, but Dean just says "we win" before setting them on fire.

However, a deputy kills his boss and after finding more green goo at the scene, they realize the ghost isn't gone. After learning that the next person possessed headed for the hospital, Dean goes there to stop them while Sam and Garth go to the library to try to find out who the Unknown Soldier is. They learn a theory that it is Vance Collins, a Confederate soldier who was killed by his Union soldier brother. They realize that Vance had an Indian Head Penny that was stolen.

Sam and Garth rush off to let Dean know after he doesn't answer his phone, only to find him possesed by Vance and waiting to kill Sam. Garth tries to defuse the situation, believing that Dean won't kill him as he is not angry at him. When that fails, Garth punches Dean, causing him to drop the penny which Garth picks up, but is unaffected by Vance.

Garth is able to melt down the penny, putting Vance to rest though he tells Dean he had a hard time doing it. Garth explains to Dean that he has learned to let all of his grudges go and was thus unaffected by the spirit and Dean puts Bobby's hat back on his head, finally accepting Garth's new role. Garth drives off, giving advice to another hunter to run after learning he is being chased by a Wendigo without a flare gun or flamethrower to kill it with.

In A Little Slice of Kevin, Sam and Dean call Garth to take care of Kevin and Linda Tran.

In Hunteri Heroici, it's revealed he has a safeboat, and is keeping Kevin and Linda Tran there for safety.

In LARP and the Real Girl, Garth called Sam and Dean to give them a case where a man had all of his limbs ripped off with no explanation. Garth has been tracking hunters via the GPS in their cell phones and now calls them with cases in the area they are in. Sam is visibly disturbed by this and tells Garth off for telling him "you've been Garthed" after explaining what he did. As a result, Sam tells Dean they need to disable the GPS in their phones so Garth can't do it again, though Dean admits that Bobby would have done the same.

In As Time Goes By, Henry Winchester has gone missing and Dean figures that he went to find the last two ingredients for a spell to return to 1958, Dean calls Garth to see if there are any hoodoo shops in the area. Apparently Garth gives him the info he needs as he is able to find Henry.

In Everybody Hates Hitler, Dean called Garth for information on the Thule Society, but neither Garth nor any of his contacts had even heard of it.

In Trial and Error, Kevin Tran mentions Garth as his only companion, that too only whenever he drops by.

He is also mentioned in Freaks and Geeks by Dean when he says that he'll be sending Garth to check on Krissy and the others from time to time and also by Victor Rogers who tells Sam and Dean that Garth must've been dropped on his head when he was a baby.

By Pac-Man Fever he is out searching for the missing Kevin, along with several other hunters.

Season 9Edit

Garth as a Werewolf.
After being missing for several months, Garth returns in Sharp Teeth where he is hit by a car after eviscerating a cow. Sam and Dean find him in the hospital, but he flees. When they follow him, Garth reveals that he is now a werewolf, having been bitten six months before on a hunt. Before he could kill himself, a werewolf named Bess Myers found him and he fell in love with her and married her. Ashamed of what he'd become, Garth disappeared so no one would know. Garth insists to Sam and Dean that his pack feed only on animal hearts and don't harm humans, coexisting with them and invites them to join their church services. Garth becomes frustrated with Dean when he remains hostile to Garth's new family and Dean explains what happened to Kevin Tran, saddening Garth greatly as he cared for the young Prophet. Soon afterwards, Garth and Bess disappear and Sam is kidnapped. The pack leader's wife, Joy and two other werewolves, Russ and Jobah reveal themselves to be plotting to bring about Ragnarok and rule over mankind and are going to murder Garth and Bess and frame Sam and Dean to galvanize the pack into joining them instead of their peace-loving ways. Garth pleads unsuccessfully for Bess' life, but Dean figures out the truth and comes to their rescue, killing the three rogue werewolves. In the aftermath, Garth offers to become a hunter again, using his werewolf powers to help, but Dean recognizes that the entire pack wasn't bad and that Garth has found happiness and tells him to stay with Bess and the werewolves. Garth also feels responsible for Kevin's death as he wasn't there, but Dean assures him it wasn't his fault and invites Garth to hug him.
Special abilities: werewolf

Other: married

message 174: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 175: by Arwen (new)

Arwen Name: Amy Pond

What is this character from (movie/book/comic/tv show): Doctor Who

Age: 20's

Gender: F


Personality: Amy was adventurous and reckless, with a dry wit and a stubborn streak. She had a difficult childhood being an orphan raised by her aunt. Her parents had been wiped from existence by the Time Field in her childhood bedroom. She felt abandoned by the Doctor. She was rarely open with her feelings and often mistrustful and wary. She held people she cared for at arm's length, as she did in her early relationship with Rory (TV: Let's Kill Hitler, The Eleventh Hour, The Vampires of Venice) and the Doctor when he returned. (TV: The Eleventh Hour) Amy had jokes made about her Scottish heritage by mostly the Doctor and Rory (TV: The Eleventh Hour, A Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler), or even herself. (TV: The Beast Below, Victory of the Daleks, Asylum of the Daleks)
As a child, Amelia was stoic and able to care for herself. She prayed to Santa Claus for help with the crack in her wall and was unsurprised to meet the Doctor. She lusted for the adventure of travel with him. When he did not return, she grew into a cynical and aggressive young woman. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

Amy goes through a more traumatic experience (TV: Flesh and Stone)
Amy was often flippant in the face of danger (TV: Asylum of the Daleks), with the exception of her traumatic experience in the forest aboard the Byzantium. She traded barbs with Rosanna Calvierri when facing a forcible blood replacement and cracked jokes while confronting apparent doom on the TARDIS. (TV: Flesh and Stone, The Vampires of Venice, Amy's Choice)
Amy was also very flirtatious. In Leadworth, she worked as a kissogram. She was attracted to the Doctor, (TV: The Eleventh Hour) Vincent van Gogh (TV: Vincent and the Doctor) and the Roman soldiers at Stonehenge. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) She once tried to seduce the Doctor. (TV: Flesh and Stone) Rory claimed she only passed her driving test on her first go because of a revealing skirt. (TV: Space) She had no problem being naked in front of the Doctor after a mutation into a butterfly-woman was reversed. (COMIC: Supernature).

Amy was troubled and lonely. She was often left alone by her aunt Sharon, who refused to deal with her fear of the crack in her wall. After meeting the Doctor, she was obsessed with her "Raggedy Doctor" and refused to believe he was imaginary, biting psychiatrists when they tried to convince her otherwise. Mels, a school troublemaker, her close friend and daughter, once pointed out she often misbehaved in school. Despite this, she was a protective, maternal figure for Mels, leading her - while regenerating into River Song after being revealed as Melody Pond - to remark, "You got to raise me after all." (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)

Although she seemed dismissive of Rory early on, Amy eventually began to respect him. Amy grew to love her husband, Rory, passionately and called the Doctor her best friend. (TV: Day of the Moon) She felt he could fix anything. (TV: The God Complex) Despite her tough exterior, Amy could not always hide her emotions and was devastated when faced with the loss of loved ones such as Rory, Melody, the Doctor and Vincent van Gogh. She broke down in tears when the Doctor left her on Earth with Rory. (TV: The God Complex, The Vampires of Venice, Vincent and the Doctor, et al.) Once she discovered that something done to her at Demons Run made her sterile and unable to give birth to any more children, Amy tried forcing Rory out of her life to give him a better chance at having children with someone else. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

In her time on the TARDIS, Amy was heroic, saving the lives of the Doctor, Rory, River and others. She was willing to remain in the clutches of enemies to let her friends escape. (TV: The Time of Angels, Day of the Moon) Her mind, altered by her growing up with a crack in space and time in her bedroom wall, restored erased beings to the universe (TV: The Big Bang) using only her memories. She knew time could be rewritten and hoped there was a way to rewrite it to avoid the Doctor's death. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, The Wedding of River Song). She could remember alternate timelines. (TV: The Wedding of River Song, Night and the Doctor: Good Night)

Amy showed a ruthless streak. In an alternate timeline, Madame Kovarian was being killed by her eye drive and had gotten it most of the way off; she asked Amy to help her because it was what the Doctor would do. Amy said, "He's not here" and put Kovarian's eye drive back on, killing her for having stolen her baby from her. She was conflicted about this later. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

Amy's worst fear was being "the girl who waited", which stemmed from her childhood of waiting for the Doctor to take her with him in the TARDIS. This fear continued into her adulthood when she became worried about a day where the Doctor may disappear from her life forever, and she would continue to spend her life waiting for a return that would never come.(TV: The God Complex, Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)

During her adventure aboard the Silurian Ark, Amy told the Doctor that she had quit her recent job, who comments that she had already quit the job before. She admitted that she can not settle down because she was always listening for the TARDIS to materialise nearby to take her and Rory away

History: Amelia was born in Scotland in 1989. Her parents, Augustus and Tabetha Pond, were swallowed by the crack in her wall, and Amelia was raised by her aunt Sharon in the small town of Leadworth. Despite living so long in England, she never lost her Scottish accent. (TV: The Big Bang)
During her early years, Amy often went camping with her father in the Highlands. (COMIC: Power of the Mykuootni)

Amelia first encountered the Eleventh Doctor and her own adult self at a fair in 1994. She would not remember the Doctor, and retained only a vague memory of the red-haired woman in the odd white dress (apparently immune to the Blinovitch Limitation Effect), who bought her an ice cream cone to replace the one which she had dropped. Dropping and losing the ice cream, and receiving the new one, remained among her saddest and happiest memories respectively. (HOMEVID: Good Night)

Amy's first proper meeting with the Eleventh Doctor, at the age of seven. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
Amelia properly met him on or about Easter in April 1996. His TARDIS, damaged by his regeneration, crashed in her backyard garden. As she had been praying to Santa Claus to send a policeman to investigate the crack, Amelia initially took the TARDIS' anachronistic police box appearance at face value and asked the Doctor if he was the policeman whom she had requested. The Doctor had a "raggedy" appearance, as he was still wearing the tattered remains of the Tenth Doctor's suit and was adjusting to his new body and tastes. He examined a crack in her wall, which was actually a rip in time-space that acted as a portal to another time and place. A prisoner of the Atraxi, known as Prisoner Zero, escaped through it into Amelia's house. However, before the Doctor could assist further, the Cloister Bell went off, causing him to return to the TARDIS to prevent the engines from phasing out of existence. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
He offered to take her with him, despite her being, at only seven years of age, considerably younger than even the stowaway Adric was. (TV: Full Circle) To stabilise the engines, the Doctor took the TARDIS for what he thought would be a quick five-minute trip into the future. Amy took the opportunity to pack a small suitcase and return to the garden, waiting for the arrival of the "magic doctor". (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

In one or more timelines, Amelia fell asleep on her suitcase in the garden that night. Her Doctor returned from weeks or months later in his future, and carried her up to bed. As she continued to sleep, the Doctor told her about the "magic box" he had stolen, that he had really only borrowed it, having always intended to return it; "big and little at the same time, brand new and ancient, and the bluest blue ever." He said she would dream about the adventures that they would never have, and he told her to love Rory. (TV: The Big Bang)

Years later, Amelia made a final request of him to return to her child self this next morning, telling her to be patient, and of the many incredible adventures she would later have with him. (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan)

Amelia did not see the Doctor again for twelve years, and during this time was unaware that a criminal multi-form called Prisoner Zero was hiding in her house. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

While waiting, Amelia was obsessed with her "Raggedy Doctor". She created dolls, comics, and dress-up games about him and compelled her friends to take part. Amy's Aunt Sharon sent Amelia to four psychiatrists who told her the Doctor wasn't real. She bit each of them. (TV: The Eleventh Hour) In school, her best friends were Rory Williams and Melody ("Mels"), whom Amelia and Rory did not know was actually their daughter from the 52nd century. Aside from the Raggedy Doctor, her other interests included the Roman occupation of Britain, on which she had several books, along with her favourite book, Pandora's Box. She didn't receive a good grade for her paper on the Romans due to titling it "Invasion of the Hot Italians". (TV: The Eleventh Hour, Let's Kill Hitler, The Pandorica Opens)
Amelia was consistently the dominant member of her trio with Rory and Mels. Throughout primary and secondary school, Amelia unwittingly reared Mels, serving in loco parentis and lecturing her after each of her myriad discipline problems. Meanwhile, Rory went submissively along with Amelia's instructions so long as it allowed him to be near her.

Because of Rory's timidity toward making any romantic overtures toward Amy, and his obvious disinterest in other girls, Amy incorrectly assumed him to be gay. In their late teens, Mels caused Amy to realise Rory's feelings toward her and she returned his affections. In doing so, Mels, being their daughter, paradoxically caused her own existence. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler) When Amy met the Doctor again, she proved uncomfortable with admitting her relationship with Rory, at least to the Doctor. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)


Amy's first encounter with a hostile alien. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)
The Doctor, thinking that only five minutes had elapsed, returned in 2008 when Amelia was now calling herself "Amy" to distance herself from her "fairy tale" name. She had become Rory's girlfriend and worked as a kissogram. At the time of the Doctor's return, she was wearing a mock woma
Special abilities:

Other: Amy proved skilled at swinging and using a sword. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot) She could also pick a lock with only a hair-pin. (TV: The Beast Below) Amy could tell what others were thinking the more she knew them; when the Doctor was making silent movements, she could tell what he was thinking. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks) Amy was able to easily find information in a complex computer system on the Silurian Ark, which aided the Doctor in finding out where the ship came from and was going to. (TV: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Despite taking jobs based around her physical appearance (first that of kissogram, later model) Amy is known to be highly intelligent, able to solve intricate mysteries using observant analysis and even, on one occasion, to single-handedly build her own sonic screwdriver (TV: The Girl Who Waited, The Beast Below).

message 176: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 177: by Arwen (new)

Arwen Name: Molly Hooper

What is this character from (movie/book/comic/tv show): Sherlock

Age: 33

Gender: F


Personality: Positive traits: Strong desire to help others at the expense of own pleasure, strong ability to empathize with others, high level of selflessness and generosity, heightened sense of loyalty

Negative traits: Easily affected by negative comments, low confidence in self, high level of nervousness/anxiety, trusting to the point of near naivete, displays characteristics of long term guilt

History: In "A Study in Pink", she asks Sherlock if he would join her for coffee which he then interprets as her simply offering him a cup. She shrugs off this blow although she is obviously hurt by his lack of interest in her.

The Blind Banker Edit
In "The Blind Banker", Sherlock flirts with her, complimenting her hair, in order to gain access to two bodies in the morgue. This suggests he has some knowledge of her infatuation with him.

The Great Game Edit
In "The Great Game", she dates a man named Jim, who is later revealed to be Moriarty. She is visibly upset when Sherlock deduces that "Jim" is homosexual. In actuality, this is all a ruse created by Moriarty to get closer to Sherlock.

Series Two Edit
A Scandal in Belgravia Edit
Molly appears at the Christmas party at 221B Baker Street, dressed up nicely in a figure-hugging dress. Sherlock embarrasses her by deducing that she has a present for a boyfriend whom she is wildly in love with and will later meet that night, comparing the colour of her lipstick to the colour of the wrapping paper. It turns out that the present is for him. Molly becomes visibly upset, but Sherlock apologises sincerely and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Molly later turns up at Bart's to analyse what is believed to be Irene Adler's corpse. She is clearly troubled by the fact that Sherlock is able to identify the naked body from "not her face". Later, she sees Sherlock analysing Adler's camera phone, which is loaded with four small explosives at the ready to blow up the camera phone. She becomes visibly insecure when Sherlock mentions that "She[Irene] loves to play games".

The Reichenbach Fall Edit
Molly is on her way to a lunch date when Sherlock and John barge into Barts; Sherlock waves two packets of Quavers at her and says he is taking her to lunch, and she reluctantly helps analyse the linseed oil discovered at the kidnapping scene. Here, in a mostly one sided conversation, she attempts to speak to Sherlock about her father, who she believes was similar to him, stating that when her father knew he was going to die, he was only sad when he thought no one could see him, and that Sherlock acts the same when John is not looking. When Sherlock states that she can see him, she says simply that she does not count and offers him help if he needs it. Later, after being discredited, Sherlock comes to her and tells her that she does count, that she has always counted, and that he has always trusted her, finally accepting her offer of help. She assisted Sherlock in faking his own death.

Series Three Edit
The Empty Hearse Edit
It is two years after Sherlock's apparent suicide from the roof of St Barts. When Sherlock and Molly reunite, Molly acts quite different from how she use to, acting more confident and speaking to Sherlock without stuttering. This change has come-about as she claims to have moved on and is now with a man called Tom whom she is engaged to.

Sherlock returns to detective work quite soon after the public find out that he is still alive. However he is at odds with John, who is upset that Sherlock faked his death, and so asks Molly to take John's place but at first she mistakes it for him asking her to dinner. Although he asks her to be herself rather than pretend to be John.

When Sherlock asks Molly to go for fish and chips she declines. Sherlock states that Moriarty made a mistake when targeting his friends, as he had forgotten about Molly. To him, she was the "... one person who mattered the most", because she "made it all possible". Molly says that she would love to solve crimes with him again but is unable to because she is engaged. Sherlock also deduced that she was engaged. He congratulates her and says that he hopes she will be very happy and that she deserves it. Molly states that she met Tom through friends (not at the office, unlike "Jim" who was Moriarty pretending to be an IT worker) and that they have a dog, go to the pub on weekends and that she has met all of his friends and family then says she does not know why she is telling him all of this. Sherlock says that not all the men Molly 'falls' for turn out to be sociopaths. He then kisses her on the cheek and leaves. She is seen mumbling to herself, hinting that she may not truly be over Sherlock.

When Molly arrives at 221B Baker Street, it is clear that her fiancé, Tom, reminds her of Sherlock due to his appearance. Sherlock and John notice but say nothing. Lestrade asks if it is serious between her and Tom, and Molly happily claims she has moved on despite the fact that Tom looks like Sherlock. Molly seems oblivious to this.

The Sign of Three Edit
Before the wedding, Molly showed nervousness on the prospect of Sherlock making a speech if he were to be selected for "best man" and consults Lestrade and Mrs Hudson about it but they both reassure her it will be fine.

She is a guest of the wedding, along with her fiance Tom. Molly is shown giving lots of affection towards Tom but it looks a bit forced. She also cries when Sherlock gives his best man speech. Tom gives a surprising theory to a murderous case at the wedding, embarrassing Molly, who hisses for him to sit down. When Sherlock is trying to find the mayfly man, Tom says that he is drunk and Molly stabs him in the hand with a fork. She is also shown in a flashback where Sherlock comes to her for help with controlling his alcohol levels so that he does not get too 'drunk' also pointing out he is a "graduate chemist" – meaning he has a bachelors degree in chemistry.

At the end of the episode she seems to be the only one who notices Sherlock leave the wedding early. However, she does not go after him.

His Last Vow Edit
After John retrieves Sherlock and two other people from a drug den, he takes all three of them, along with Mary who was driving the car, to St Bartholomew's Hospital. He calls Molly to request that she test Sherlock for drug use. Molly tests him and is very angry that he has taken drugs. She slaps him three times on the face and tells him to apologize. Instead, he deduces that Molly is not wearing her ring and says he is sorry the engagement is off. Molly is angered by this and tells him to stop it.

When Sherlock goes missing, it is revealed that Molly's house was one of his bolt holes. Molly also says that Sherlock slept in her room while she had the spare because they both agreed he needed the space. This implies that Sherlock might have stayed with Molly sometime between his faked death and his return since she was one of the few people who knew he was still alive.

Molly is also seen at the end of the episode, reacting to the video showing Jim Moriarty saying 'Did You Miss Me?' which was broadcast all over London

Special abilities: none

Other: Molly has a crush on Sherlock Holmes, which he frequently exploits to get her assistance. Molly is socially awkward, but dedicated to helping Sherlock. She cares for him, and it hurts her that he is so cold and dismissive towards her.

Sherlock seems to know she has feelings for him, yet remains impassive whenever she attempts to further their relationship. At times, he is quite rude to her. Sherlock seems content with remaining acquaintances and sometimes work colleagues. However, by the end of series two, it is demonstrated that he cares for her too, but in a platonic context.[3]

As their friendship progresses, her romantic affections for him become muted, if still lingering ever-so-slightly between the two. It is revealed in the Empty Hearse that she is the "One person that matters the most" to Sherlock. However, it is unclear whether this mattering is in the context of Sherlock's emotions or in the overall completion of his faked death plan.

Molly is the person Sherlock asked to solve crimes with him when John refused. It is a tricky, sometimes awkward time because she tries to be John. Sherlock assures her he only needs her to be herself, but also clearly demonstrates that he is actually missing John's companionship. At the end of their day together, Sherlock reveals he asked her to spend the day with him in order to thank her for her help in faking his death and invites her to dine with him that evening. Molly declines and Sherlock deduces the reason for this is because she is now engaged to be married. Molly explains about Tom, her fiancé. Sherlock congratulates her on finally loving a man who is not a sociopath. This, because Sherlock has labelled himself a "sociopath" many times in the past, implies that he believes he himself is not a good match for her. Before the two go their separate ways, Sherlock wishes her the best in her new relationship, saying she "deserves to be happy." Then, before parting ways with her, he kisses Molly on the cheek.

When Molly was engaged, the dynamic between the two shifted – Molly claimed she had moved on; yet traces of her previous crush still linger. The fiance dresses and looks remarkably like Sherlock, something everyone – including Sherlock – notice, but refuse to announce to her. It doesn't take long for her relationship with Tom is starting to signs of wear and annoyance for Molly.[4] It is clear that, although he might look and dress like Sherlock, Tom is not half as brilliant. The engagement between the two is shown to be broken off.[5] No reason is specified, however.

When on the run, it is revealed that one of Sherlock's 'bolt-holes' is at Molly's house.[5] At first, she states that he has stayed in her spare room. However, she awkwardly corrects herself, explaining that he, in fact, stays in her bedroom because they "agreed he needed the space".

Jim Moriarty spared her life when targeting Sherlock's friends in the final episode of Series 2. It is possible Jim was not aware of the depth of Molly's importance to Sherlock. This is further implied when Sherlock claims Moriarty's biggest mistake was in not considering that Molly mattered.[6]

We can again see Molly's importance to Sherlock when Mary shoots Sherlock in the chest. He imagines Molly in his mind palace and with her help, and a little input from Mycroft, Anderson and Redbeard, he survives the shooting.

message 178: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 179: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 180: by Arwen (new)

Arwen Omg I love you thank you!!!!!!!

♪ℰʟɪzᴀʙᴇᴛʜ ▪❂▪ℋᴇʀᴏɴᴅᴀʟᴇ▪❂▪ (elizabethisafangirl) If you have not yet read Allegiant, do not read ahead! Major spoilers!

Ϫ║ Basic Information ║Ϫ
»Beatrice Prior
Nickname(s): Tris
[Sexual Orientation]
[Relationship Status]
»In a relationship with Tobias Eaton
»Divergent, Veronica Roth

▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Ϫ║ Appearance ║Ϫ

[Face Claim]
Shailene Woodley

[Physical Description]
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde, short, straight
Imperfections/Markings: Tattoo of three ravens across collar bone, tattoo of the dauntless symbol on left shoulder, and a tattoo of the abnegation symbol on right shoulder
Height: 5'2"
Weight: Average
Build: Athletic

▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Ϫ║ Personality ║Ϫ


▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Ϫ║ History ║Ϫ

║ ✦ ║ Early Life
Tris grew up in Abnegation. Her parents, Andrew and Natalie Prior, were pretty high up in the faction. Her father was one of the leaders of the five factions (Dauntless, Abnegation, Amity, Candor, and Erudite). She grew a quite life, so to say. She was always told to stay quiet, and to always put others before her own needs. She didn't feel like she was selfless enough, and decided to transfer to Dauntless at the age of sixteen.

║ ✦ ║ Initiation

║ ✦ ║ After Initiation

[image error]

║ ✦ ║ Defining Moment
(view spoiler)[I tweaked her history up just a bit here so I could make sure she remained alive. If she was dead... Well, I wouldn't have a character haha (hide spoiler)]

[image error]

▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅


▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Ϫ║ Relations ║Ϫ

♛ Father: Andrew Prior
sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: Deceased ║ ᴀɢᴇ: ║ʟᴏᴠᴇ: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤♡♡
♚ Mother: Natalie Prior
sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: Deceased ║ ᴀɢᴇ: ║ʟᴏᴠᴇ: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤♡
♝ Brother: Caleb Prior
sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: Living ║ ᴀɢᴇ: 16 ║ʟᴏᴠᴇ: ❤❤❤♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
♕ Boyfriend: Tobias Eaton
sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: Living ║ ᴀɢᴇ: 18 ║ʟᴏᴠᴇ: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

[Other Relations]

»Marcus Eaton
»Evelyn Johnson

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[image error]

[Weapons & Belongings]





➢Weakness and inability to escape
➢Being out of and/or incapable of control
➢Friends and enemies join forces against her or that her friends will betray/don't like her
➢Watching family die, and being responsible for it

♪ℰʟɪzᴀʙᴇᴛʜ ▪❂▪ℋᴇʀᴏɴᴅᴀʟᴇ▪❂▪ (elizabethisafangirl) {Reserved}

♪ℰʟɪzᴀʙᴇᴛʜ ▪❂▪ℋᴇʀᴏɴᴅᴀʟᴇ▪❂▪ (elizabethisafangirl) Ϫ║ Basic Information ║Ϫ
»Clarissa Adele Fray
Nickname(s): Clary
Date of Birth:
Zodiac Sign:
Subspecies: Human
[Sexual Orientation]
[Relationship Status]
»In a relationship with Jace Herondale

▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Ϫ║ Appearance ║Ϫ

[Face Claim]
Lily Collins

[image error]

[Physical Description]

▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Ϫ║ Personality ║Ϫ

♜ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ♜

▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Ϫ║ History ║Ϫ

║ ✦ ║ Early Life

[image error]

║ ✦ ║ Adolescence

[image error]

║ ✦ ║ Adulthood

[image error]

║ ✦ ║ Defining Moment

[image error]

▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅


▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

Ϫ║ Relations ║Ϫ

♛ Father:
sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: ║ ᴀɢᴇ: ║ʟᴏᴠᴇ: ❤❤❤❤❤♡♡♡♡♡
♚ Mother:
sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: ║ ᴀɢᴇ: ║ʟᴏᴠᴇ: ❤❤❤❤❤♡♡♡♡♡
♝ Brother:
sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: ║ ᴀɢᴇ: ║ʟᴏᴠᴇ: ❤❤❤❤❤♡♡♡♡♡

[Other Relations]

▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅

[image error]

[Weapons & Belongings]





[Pet Peeves]




♪ℰʟɪzᴀʙᴇᴛʜ ▪❂▪ℋᴇʀᴏɴᴅᴀʟᴇ▪❂▪ (elizabethisafangirl) {Reserved}

message 185: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 186: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 187: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

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Captain Cheesecake (cheesecakeisawesome) | 596 comments Mod

message 189: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

message 190: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 191: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

message 192: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

Captain Cheesecake (cheesecakeisawesome) | 596 comments Mod

message 194: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

Captain Cheesecake (cheesecakeisawesome) | 596 comments Mod

message 196: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

Fox  (aegontargaryen) | 3546 comments Mod

Captain Cheesecake (cheesecakeisawesome) | 596 comments Mod

Captain Cheesecake (cheesecakeisawesome) | 596 comments Mod

message 199: by Fox , Creator and Ruler of the group!! Bow to me. (new)

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